Google Targets Blog Networks – Why Are Blog Networks Being Targeted by Google?

Have you wondered why your website has fallen from the Top 10 of Google? Is Google getting to aggressive?

There are three principal reasons why Google has started to crackdown on blog networks, so let me run you through them on at a time.

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  1. Blog networks are a form of paid link building. Google’s policy on paid link building is crystal clear, especially the fact that “buying or selling links that pass PageRank is in violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. Paying for links is a not allowed as you can negatively impact a site’s ranking in search results.” The purpose blog networks is to facilitate link building, and these links are most definitely paid for in a slightly less obvious manner. Google penalized the website of their own Chrome software when it was revealed that a marketing company they used had employed paid backlinks; Google were hardly going to think twice about penalizing other paid link users were they?
  2. Blog networks are a form of “link scheme”. Just like paid linking, Google’s opinion on link schemes leaves no room for confusion. They are not a natural form of link building, especially once blog networks developed the technology to allow you submit a spin-ready article to hundreds of different blogs in a short space of time. Nobody submitted to blog networks just for the sake of getting content published – it is and always was about generating links. Blog networks sold themselves on this basis of being a way to get unnaturally large amounts of links quickly, and it was only a matter of time until Google caught on.
  3. Articles posted to blog networks tend to be low quality. The vast majority of articles posted to blog networks were low quality “filler” content that was only written to get backlinks. That might sound harsh, but the unfortunately the truth hurts. If the Google Panda update of 2011 wasn’t a big enough wake up call, then hopefully the newest of Google’s changes is. Google wants quality, unique content to populate its search index. Google wants you to create and distribute content for the purpose of providing value to readers, not just to build links. If you want high search engine rankings then you need to focus on providing value first with good original content, then link building and then combine good solid SEO.

If your stressed out over loosing your Google results act now contact our SEO team today on 1300 663 664 we are reading, willing and able to help you can email us as well. Email an SEO Expert.